Students take a variety of tests throughout the school year. Some are required by the state and the district, others are required to sample student performance across the country, and some are voluntary.The purpose of these tests is to make sure students are on the right track, meeting state academic standards and performing at least as well as their peers across the country. Read more.
Nationally Mandated Testing
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), grade 4.
State Mandated Testing
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP);
English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC); and
FITNESSGRAM Physical Fitness Test.
District Mandated Testing
Includes the Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test (SDRT) and the Analytic Reading Inventory (ARI) for grades 4 & 5 and the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) for grades K-3. Fifth graders are also given a mathematics exit exam used for placement at the middle school level.
Special Education Testing
Parents may request that a district psychologist and resource specialist evaluate their children for learning disabilities. Requests are to be made to the principal. An Instructional Study Team (IST) will meet with the parent or guardian to determine the appropriateness of the request.